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We are excited to introduce our new benefits enrollment platform, SmartBen!

This mobile-friendly platform can be accessed from any computer or mobile device at any time, giving you ultimate flexibility in choosing your benefits during a life event or open enrollment!  Additionally, you can log in to SmartBen throughout the year to look at benefit plan documents, your current coverage elections as well as other benefit related materials.


Username: COT + 5 digit Munis employee ID (this is located on your paystub)
Initial Password: Date of Birth MMDDYYYY


Munis ID is 12345, Birthdate is Jan. 1, 1970
Username: COT12345
Initial Password: Date of Birth 01011970

SmartBen Enrollment Instructions

SmartBen NOW App

SmartBen NOW allows you to access up to date information about your employer-provided benefits, keeping you plugged into your benefits when and where you need it! SmartBen NOW is available for both Apple and Android devices in the App Store and Google Play.

Save the Date for Open Enrollment

November 7th thru November 18th
This year is a passive open enrollment period which means that employees are not required to re-elect benefits for the upcoming year. If an employee takes no action, the benefits will remain the same, except for flexible spending accounts.

Open Enrollment

Why do I need to verify my dependent documentation?

What do I need to do now?

Will my benefits stay the same if I don't participate in open enrollment?

What is passive enrollment?

If you are going to add new dependents to your plan during Annual Enrollment or you were hired in 2022, you’ll need to verify your dependent’s eligibility. View the Dependent eligibility Matrix for a list of eligible dependents and documents that are required.

SmartBen has a dedicated team to help you with enrollment!

SmartBen Assist Team Phone: 855-210-1938
Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET
Email Address:

Dependent Verification

How do I protect my sensitive information?

Can electronically submitted tax returns (such as Turbo Tax) be submitted as verification documentation?

My divorce or separation decree requires me to provide benefits for my former spouse. How does that affect me?

What will Hodges-Mace, LLC do with my documents? Will my personal information be safe with Hodges-Mace, LLC?

Will I receive confirmation once my documentation is received?

What happens to the coverage of individuals who don't meet the definition of an eligible dependent?

Should I trust sending information to Hodges-Mace, LLC?

What happens if I do not return the Dependent Verification Affidavit and required documentation before the deadline?

What is the deadline for returning the Dependent Eligibility Affidavit and providing the appropriate documents verifying eligibility?

What should I do if one or more of my enrolled dependents does not meet eligibility requirements as listed in the attached Dependent Eligibility Matrix?

Is this verification even legal?

Does City of Tuscaloosa not trust me?

Should I provide the supporting documentation for my dependents to my site Human Resources team?

Who can answer my questions about the definition of an eligible dependent?

How do I know my documents are secure?

Who is Hodges-Mace, LLC?

Why is City of Tuscaloosa conducting this audit?

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